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'''moonman31 4:30 PM: pretty stoned'''
'''moonman31 4:30 PM: pretty stoned'''
Jos 4:30 PM: Thats good
Jos 4:30 PM: Thats good
=== '''<u>11/19/18</u>''' ===
((A large amount of shitposting happens in the chat))<br>
'''moonman31 9:19 AM: Shitposting is real'''<br>
Dense 9:26 AM: OwO<br>
Jos 9:56 AM: I am unable to live without thebexistance of shitposting<br>
'''moonman31 10:16 AM: I mean'''<br>
'''moonman31 10:16 AM: what would life even be'''<br>
Dense 10:17 AM: God tier shitpost<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: It would be like<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: *Hey hello<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: *Hi<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: serious stuff<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: *okay bye<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: Anyways<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: How is things going over there?<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: Pretty good here<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: I just want to check<br>
Jos 10:22 AM: Are you unable to speak because of an non physical force?<br>
Wolfcat 10:28 AM: I think someone just swats his keyboard away when he’s about to answer us<br>
Jos 10:29 AM: I dont want to feel agressive with this kind of question is just that it will always scratch the back of my head until i find solution<br>
'''moonman31 10:32 AM: Uh'''<br>
'''moonman31 10:32 AM: It is hard to explain'''<br>
'''moonman31 10:32 AM: It is a spooky-ooky thing'''<br>
Dense 10:33 AM: Do u remember what u were doing<br>
Dense 10:33 AM: On the morning of<br>
Dense 10:33 AM: 1 of<br>
Dense 10:33 AM: July<br>
Dense 10:33 AM: Of<br>
Dense 10:33 AM: 2010<br>
Jos 10:35 AM: Okay, i have an idea of it, i wont keep pushing, thanko<br>
'''moonman31 10:35 AM: What? no. do you?'''<br>
'''moonman31 10:35 AM: What happened in July 2010'''<br>
Dense 10:36 AM: Idk<br>
Jos 10:36 AM: I think he is just trying to say if you can remember your past without any problems<br>
Dense 10:36 AM: Just asking<br>
Dense 10:36 AM: Yep<br>
Dense 11:03 AM:<br>
Dense 11:03 AM: This is the astral observatory ost<br>
((Dense posts a YouTube link to a video of an alien dancing to the Lavender Town theme.))<br>
'''moonman31 11:22 AM: wow'''<br>
Wolfcat 12:09 PM: hey moonman, have you ever met the other AO members in person? or is it just strictly an online thing?<br>
'''moonman31 8:13 PM: I’ve met others in person'''<br>
'''moonman31 8:13 PM: @Wolfcat'''<br>
Dense 8:18 PM: whom lol<br>
'''moonman31 8:41 PM: ur mom'''<br>
CircleHunter 8:41 PM: goteem

Revision as of 16:36, 20 November 2018

Moonman31 is a character found on the Astral Observatory Forums. He claims to have been active on the Astral Observatory since it's inception in July, and knows more than most other members on the forums. He's willing to answer our questions, though some unknown force physically prevents him from speaking on some subjects. He claims to not strictly be on our side, instead just wanting some control.


Moonman comes off as a classic internet troll. He speaks with plenty of irony and never misses an opportunity for a quip. He actually knows much more than what he lets on, possibly even having his own agenda.



Dense 7:34 PM: oh
Dense 7:34 PM: ey
Dense 7:34 PM: you are there
Wolfcat 7:41 PM: eyy
moonman31 7:41 PM: hi
Dense 7:41 PM: So you may know us
Dense 7:41 PM: but
Dense 7:41 PM: hi
Dense 7:41 PM: I’m Dense
Wolfcat at 7:42 PM: he goes by a different name on the forums
Wolfcat at 7:42 PM: but yeah
moonman31 7:42 PM: yeah I know
Dense 7:42 PM: I’m the one called I’m the one hehe
moonman31 7:42 PM: actually hold on
moonman31 7:42 PM: I wanted a cool nick but this is lame
Dense 7:43 PM: hehe
moonman31 7:43 PM: ok
Wolfcat 7:43 PM: so lemme just come right out and ask
Wolfcat 7:43 PM: whose this nocta fella
Wolfcat 7:43 PM: I mean he’s apparently Kevin
Wolfcat 7:43 PM: but that doesn’t really line up with what we’ve heard
moonman31 7:44 PM: If I am gonna be honest I don’t know how to answer that any differently than I have
Dense 7:45 PM: How long have you been in the forums
moonman31 7:45 PM: since the beginning
Wolfcat 7:46 PM: How long would that be? It sounded like the Astral Observatory has been around for a little while since before the “hacker attack” from JiD
moonman31 7:50 PM: yeah
moonman31 7:50 PM: depends on who you ask tbh although for me i would say since july
Dense 7:51 PM: oh july
Dense 7:51 PM: wait
Dense 7:51 PM:
Dense 7:51 PM: july 28th
Wolfcat 7:53 PM: He did start acting pretty funky around that time
Dense 7:53 PM:
Dense 7:53 PM: after july
Wolfcat 7:54 PM: That was something I was going to ask, how do you exactly know about Greth, Moon?
moonman31 7:54 PM: cool
moonman31 7:54 PM: well I can’t really tell you that
moonman31 7:54 PM: specifically I am unable to, physically
moonman31 7:54 PM: which sounds fucking gay
Dense 7:55 PM: also July didn’t had much activity
moonman31 7:55 PM: but I promise is true
Dense 7:55 PM: Wait moon
Dense 7:55 PM: where are you from?
Wolfcat 7:55 PM: We’ve seen some pretty weird shit so it’s not too unbelievable honestly
Dense 7:56 PM: Wait
Dense 7:56 PM: what if the “A guest” was recorded on jjuly
Wolfcat 7:56 PM: probably was
Wolfcat 7:56 PM: Do you know anything about the guy who wears that silver alien mask? He cropped up in Nocta’s vid, along with a few of Greth’s
moonman31 8:14 PM: no
moonman31 8:14 PM: you asked me already
Dense 8:15 PM: ok but
Dense 8:15 PM: where are ya from
moonman31 8:15 PM: bear with me buddy truthfully
moonman31 8:15 PM: and this is gonna sound hella gay
moonman31 8:15 PM: I can only answer what I am allowed to
CircleHunter 8:15 PM: That is a pretty personal question dense
CircleHunter 8:15 PM: It’s ok tho
Dense 8:16 PM: yeah… but it was for speculation
Dense 8:16 PM: sorry man
Wolfcat 8:16 PM: We got a lot of questions and we aren’t sure what you can and can’t answer, so please bear with us too
Wolfcat 8:16 PM: We don’t want to force you into anything
Wolfcat 8:16 PM: Even though that sounds literally impossible, actually
Wolfcat 8:16 PM: Nocta seemed pretty adamant about “changing our minds” about something, as if he’s heard of us before. 
Wolfcat 8:16 PM: However, the only thing we’ve ever really been against is having a big moon god eat our planet.
Wolfcat 8:16 PM: And I don’t really buy the whole “ stealing bandwidth” story
Wolfcat 8:16 PM: Do you know anything about what’s going on with that or nah?
moonman31 8:26 PM: brb
moonman31 8:26 PM: and no not in a spooky way
moonman31 8:26 PM: in like a
moonman31 8:26 PM: ‘this is gonna take a while i can tell’
moonman31 8:26 PM: 'im hungry’
moonman31 8:26 PM: so brb
Wolfcat 8:27 PM: rip this nigga
CircleHunter 8:28 PM: For someone so self aware, he sure did say the forbidden phrase
Wolfcat 8:30 PM: as long as he doesn’t say “brb someones knocking on my door”
Dense 8:30 PM: hehe
moonman31 8:47 PM: ok
moonman31 8:47 PM: what forbidden phrase
Wolfcat 8:48 PM: “brb” I think
moonman31 8:48 PM: oh moonman31 8:48 PM: wow
CircleHunter 8:48 PM: yeah it’s a joke about the horror movie trope
moonman31 8:48 PM: so im not allowed to pee
Wolfcat 8:48 PM: you’re especially not allowed to pee
moonman31 8:48 PM: ok crystal
CircleHunter 8:49 PM: sea bears hate that
CircleHunter 8:49 PM: i honestly can’t tell if you are upset right now
CircleHunter 8:49 PM: if you are, i am very sorry, that was a joke
moonman31 8:50 PM: i am really upset you should apolo
moonman31 8:50 PM: oh
moonman31 8:50 PM: ok
moonman31 8:50 PM: i was kidding actually
CircleHunter 8:50 PM: lmao
Wolfcat 8:50 PM: you are free to pee whenever you like
moonman31 8:50 PM: I dont think thats necessarily true
moonman31 8:50 PM: but I appreciate the sentiment
CircleHunter 8:50 PM: give the original scream a watch at some point since that was the movie i was referencing
Wolfcat 8:53 PM: I am going to ask the forbidden question
Wolfcat 8:53 PM: get ready
Wolfcat 8:53 PM: What is in the truth?
moonman31 9:05 PM: ha
moonman31 9:05 PM: that would be really easy huh
Wolfcat 9:07 PM: Figured it was at least worth a shot, lol
Dense 9:09 PM: Sad
Wolfcat 9:12 PM: Can you tell us anything about this Samuel dude?
moonman31 9:12 PM: hm
moonman31 9:12 PM: so samuel is an older fella who posts on the forums
Wolfcat 9:16 PM: yeah, yuuki said he was pretty old
Wolfcat 9:16 PM: he still hasnt posted anything it seems like
moonman31 9:19 PM: Idk why honestly
moonman31 9:19 PM: he just hasn’t been around i guess
Wolfcat 9:19 PM: yeah
Wolfcat 9:19 PM: seems like users are still trickling in
Wolfcat 9:19 PM: like this cool kaiden dude
moonman31 9:20 PM: yeah he’s an edgelord
Dense 9:20 PM: I like moonman because he’s a memelord
Dense 9:20 PM: wait
moonman31 9:21 PM: what
Dense 9:22 PM: you seem like a good guy hehe
Wolfcat 9:24 PM: If you can’t say anything about Kevin, then do you know anything about a Kayd Hendricks you can tell us about?
moonman31 9:24 PM: let me put it this way
moonman31 9:24 PM: I know plenty about ben drowned
moonman31 9:24 PM: if you want to call it that. who would’ve guessed it was all real
moonman31 9:24 PM: shit it all started with 4chan honestly
moonman31 9:24 PM: fuck that place.
Dense 9:26 PM: Hey let’s play a game
Wolfcat 9:26 PM: alright cool, you actually know shit
Dense 9:26 PM: Wolf
Dense 9:26 PM: Better say some names
Dense 9:26 PM: and maybe he knows something
Wolfcat 9:26 PM: uh, alright
Wolfcat 9:26 PM: Tyler
Wolfcat 9:26 PM: Matt
Wolfcat 9:26 PM: Jacob
Wolfcat 9:26 PM: aside from the others that are no-no territory when it comes to not being able to speak about moonman31 9:29 PM: ok this is uh
moonman31 9:29 PM: a weird way to have a conversation pal\
moonman31 9:29 PM: what if I just started yelling names at you
Dense 9:29 PM: We are weird dude, so..
moonman31 9:29 PM: but yes tyler was in the video
moonman31 9:29 PM: I know of them
moonman31 9:29 PM: I know them.
moonman31 9:29 PM: I know all of you
Dense 9:30 PM: oh dAmn
Wolfcat 9:36 PM: what was even happening in the video honestly
Wolfcat 9:36 PM: it looked like a ritual
Wolfcat 9:36 PM: at first I thought it was something that was recorded back when Tyler still had his dudes, but apparently not
moonman31 9:42 PM: I dont know
moonman31 9:42 PM: but let me also say the rest of the forum does not know about the history of all this moonman31 9:42 PM: at least to my knowledge only nocta and I do
moonman31 9:42 PM: the others are innocent in this…again, to my knowledge
moonman31 9:42 PM: you should also know i am not strictly on your side
moonman31 9:42 PM: I am here because I need to have some control
Dense 9:44 PM: of?
moonman31 9:45 PM: things
Wolfcat 9:45 PM: I’m guessing you’re referring to how you physically can’t talk about certain things?
moonman31 9:45 PM: sort of
Wolfcat 9:46 PM: I’m assuming that’s related to Nocta
moonman31 9:46 PM: no
Dense 9:47 PM: Your moral?
moonman31 9:47 PM: lolno
moonman31 9:47 PM: wtf
Dense 9:47 PM: kek
Wolfcat 9:47 PM: >morals
moonman31 9:47 PM: ((Moonman31 then posted an image of an apple person with the word “Yeet”))
Wolfcat 9:47 PM: judk kiddign
Dense 9:47 PM: oh shit
Wolfcat 9:47 PM: AAAAa
Dense 9:48 PM: gr8 memelord
Wolfcat 9:52 PM: Since you seem to know quite a bit about all this, I’m guessing you probably saw Tyler’s stream a week or two ago?
moonman31 9:54 PM: yeah
Wolfcat 9:55 PM: do you know anything about that spooky chooky red mask he found? cause it honestly doesnt look like anything we’ve seen before
moonman31 10:10 PM: no
Wolfcat 10:32 PM: damn
Wolfcat 10:32 PM: thanks for answering our awkward questions the best you could, tho
Wolfcat 10:32 PM: im sure more will crop up as we remember them


((Players thank Moonman for answering their questions))
moonman31 10:40 AM: sure
((A lot of shitposting between players occurs))
moonman31 4:25 PM: wow
moonman31 4:25 PM: edgy
Jos 4:28 PM: edgylord
Jos 4:28 PM: hey mane, how are you doing
moonman31 4:30 PM: pretty stoned
Jos 4:30 PM: Thats good


((A large amount of shitposting happens in the chat))
moonman31 9:19 AM: Shitposting is real
Dense 9:26 AM: OwO
Jos 9:56 AM: I am unable to live without thebexistance of shitposting
moonman31 10:16 AM: I mean
moonman31 10:16 AM: what would life even be
Dense 10:17 AM: God tier shitpost
Jos 10:22 AM: It would be like
Jos 10:22 AM: *Hey hello
Jos 10:22 AM: *Hi
Jos 10:22 AM: serious stuff
Jos 10:22 AM: *okay bye
Jos 10:22 AM: Anyways
Jos 10:22 AM: How is things going over there?
Jos 10:22 AM: Pretty good here
Jos 10:22 AM: I just want to check
Jos 10:22 AM: Are you unable to speak because of an non physical force?
Wolfcat 10:28 AM: I think someone just swats his keyboard away when he’s about to answer us
Jos 10:29 AM: I dont want to feel agressive with this kind of question is just that it will always scratch the back of my head until i find solution
moonman31 10:32 AM: Uh
moonman31 10:32 AM: It is hard to explain
moonman31 10:32 AM: It is a spooky-ooky thing
Dense 10:33 AM: Do u remember what u were doing
Dense 10:33 AM: On the morning of
Dense 10:33 AM: 1 of
Dense 10:33 AM: July
Dense 10:33 AM: Of
Dense 10:33 AM: 2010
Jos 10:35 AM: Okay, i have an idea of it, i wont keep pushing, thanko
moonman31 10:35 AM: What? no. do you?
moonman31 10:35 AM: What happened in July 2010
Dense 10:36 AM: Idk
Jos 10:36 AM: I think he is just trying to say if you can remember your past without any problems
Dense 10:36 AM: Just asking
Dense 10:36 AM: Yep
Dense 11:03 AM:
Dense 11:03 AM: This is the astral observatory ost
((Dense posts a YouTube link to a video of an alien dancing to the Lavender Town theme.))
moonman31 11:22 AM: wow
Wolfcat 12:09 PM: hey moonman, have you ever met the other AO members in person? or is it just strictly an online thing?
moonman31 8:13 PM: I’ve met others in person
moonman31 8:13 PM: @Wolfcat
Dense 8:18 PM: whom lol
moonman31 8:41 PM: ur mom
CircleHunter 8:41 PM: goteem
YSHDT Arc DougPatremVincentDrownedMasonHelperThe Gray ManRosa
Dead Arc SKMTylerJohnJacobRegiminisGeorgeCarlaMatt R.TenebrisDanielDianaBenEzekielMax
Lunar Children Arc JariloHunterThe Old ManJinnKuu_32Sin_YarikhHina616SheepdogKalfu9000EddieD2221_Tsukuyomi_1HarryM1Igaluk123Alignak
The Truth Arc NekkoAlexIfritSpencerRyukakiDavidDanielleMr DInsidiaeKelbrisJeremyWilliamHankThomasSethHope
Greth Arc JoséGrethThe Watcher
Astral Arc NoctaSamuelmoonman31yuukichanNotAHoax_M12Kaiden_Zoromichi
Our Horizon Arc IsocelesAssassinGHOSTBABEL